Friday, January 1, 2010

Top 10 new technologies!

Here's the second of my lists.

I live and die by technology. And here are the top 10 technologies this past decade I love the most.

#1: The MP3 Player. Before this technology I had to settle for a discman that would skip all the time as well as could only hold 1 disc at at time. Even with CD burning technology it was still very restrictive. Now I have a device that can hold as much music as I want and allow me to bring it anywhere I want. And now that they can do videos too? Why would I need anything else unless.....

....#2: Cell Phones......I had a cell phone that could do all of those functions to a lesser degree. Internet, GPS, MP3, Video, communication, organization, or any other function I could ever need. For the past several years I haven't had a home phone. And each year my cell phones do more and more.

#3: X-Box 360. Yes, I could argue that the Playstation 3 or Wii can be here but if you wanted a system that has taken the video game medium to another level then you don't have to look any further then this system. Excellent online setup, great exclusive games, and more multimedia functions added to it yearly make it fantastic. If they just didn't Red Ring as much as they did.

#4: HDTV's. It took the majority of the decade to refine them and get the costs down but now it's impossible to imagine watching TV, movies, or playing games on anything else. The world never looked prettier or uglier if that's what you're watching.

#5: GPS. Going into the unknown never has been as easy without this easy piece of technology. No more atlases, no more maps, no more half assed directions. Just type in and go.

#6: Bluray players. Sony finally got a format right. There is no reason to justify spending $30 to go to the movies anymore when you can wait a few months and buy the movie and see it in a quality that is 10 times better then anything you could ever see.

#7: Netflix. It's not a technology but it has definitely changed how people view and watch things. For a simple fee each month you can rent unlimited movies and see things you might have missed in the past. And with most TV being on DVD it makes it easier to watch shows that you maybe started late on. Add in the new streaming feature and it's hard to argue how Netflix has put thousands of video stores out of business.

#8: The Playstation 2. Why the PS2 and not the PS3? Backwards compatibility, DVD playback, surround sound support, and a huge list of 3rd party companies making games exclusively for Sony. This system changed the view that gaming systems were only for games as well as had a solid line up of titles support it.

#9: The Digital Camera. The death of film came at the hands of a technology that only keeps getting better resolution, smaller in size, and more cost effective.

#10: The Internet. Do I need to explain this one? Tell you what, why don't you Google the internet and see what comes up.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. "The death of film"??!?!?!?


    Digital is easier and cheaper but film still looks 10x better than any digitally shot scene!
